Friday, February 17, 2012

Next Stop, Mall of the Emirates

Well, I (Paul) just returned from Dubai (or "To Buy") where I attended a fantastic IB workshop on science and social studies. This was my second trip to the Mega-Mall of the U.A.E. and this time my colleague and I decided to do one of the only non-shopping tourism activities in the city, Dune-Bashing/Camel Riding/Sand Surfing:

Some guy picks you up in a large SUV and drives on highways for about 50 minutes. An opening in the fence along the highway appears, and driver makes sharp right-hand turn through the gap. Without warning (no "Hey, your tour is about to begin!") he accelerates and begins bouncing, twisting and turning over the dunes. Passengers also bounce, twist and turn. After 10 minutes, the driver abruptly stops and announces, "OK, time for pictures." 5 minutes pass, back into SUV for 10 more minutes of bashing. Then a short drive to the company's "camp" where they keep their camels which you can ride. We did. And not surprisingly it was the tourist cliche that you now picture. After disembarking and regaining feeling to our bottoms, we were invited to sand surf which involves strapping on a snowboard and scooting yourself down a 50 foot dune. Not very thrilling, but it was good for leaving you with two shoes full of sand. Driver takes you back into the city where he drops you off at a mall, of course.