Monday, March 5, 2012

The Next Light, Please

We have had quite a few encounters with the police lately while driving. It seems that they are on every corner--well, they are on every corner--and pulling people over. And we are no exception. Turn a corner, make eye contact with the policeman and out comes the "pozhalusta stick" (the "please stick"). We call it this because they wave a nice bright red stick to get you to please pull over; they have no cars so they can't chase you down, a fact we have used to our advantage.

We have seen the pozhalusta stick waved in our direction more times than we care to remember over the last week, and tonight we rounded the corner and were again waved down. Yet again, we thought. But this time, the policeman opened the rear passenger door stuck his head in and in his clearest Russian (even Paul understood) said, "To the next light, please." We obliged, of course. While we had little time to chat too much, he seemed nice enough and we're glad he's patrolling our neighborhood.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

We're Still Here

Nothing much to report, but wanted to let everyone know that we are alive and well in Tashkent. It's that time of year when we are totally focused on the big push to the end of the year. Jeanette goes to Brussels next week for training (everyone together, "Poor Jeanette."), then we have Spring Break the next. When we return, we have10 weeks until the last day of school. Time flies!

Paul is still busy coaching basketball and Jeanette is having fun supervising Student Council. Paul just took his 5th graders on an overnight retreat to kick off the Exhibition, an 8-week culminating project for the PYP. Should be fun. Jeanette's 2nd graders continue to keep her on her toes, so she's looking forward to her trip to Brussels.

Hope everyone is doing well. Until next time!